I grew up poor as a witness and my family couldn’t afford vacations. So I enjoyed it for the couple of hours we may get to swim at a hotel pool. My parents were strict and angry most of the time so even that didn’t happen all the time. But at least we were able to leave our small town for a few days.
adjusted knowledge
JoinedPosts by adjusted knowledge
Did anyone really enjoy assemblies?
by SydBarrett inthe twickenham post made me think of this.
i have a few jw family members on facebook and being summertime, their pics of the convention have shown up in my fb feed.
along with their comments about "i wished it would never end" or "what a glorious weekend".
Money donated for a specific reason
by enoughisenough ini decided to do this posting because of some comments in the post about pensions.
in the mid to late 1980's there was a flood and the local kingom hall was damaged and many of the friends homes were damaged...groups came in to help repair.
my then mother-in-law literally lost everything-she had no home to repair...she had been renting a small trailer and it washed away.
adjusted knowledge
I belonged to a congregation that was generous and helpful to others but over time it would become only a handful that were generous with their money and time and others with their hands out. I left when I was 18 and have a career with a pension. I couldn’t imagine relying on the charity of the witnesses. My parents became inactive in the 90s. They are now in their 70s with 4 income streams. The others that are from that congregation in that age range barely have social security because of so many non work years and low wages
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Are You Concerned About Inflation?
by Simon ini saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
adjusted knowledge
I have the luxury of increasing my income with unlimited overtime and bonuses for picking up shifts. I never paid attention to prices unless they were big ticket items like a vehicle. However I’m now feeling the sting of price increases. I’m spending $420 a month in gas just to go to work. So now I adjust by using the company van pool program even though it is a pain sharing it with 4 people. I bought two freezers and filled them and had solar panels installed on my roof. I never thought I would buy gold or silver but bought some recently. None of the above is something I thought I would do but prices are sky rocketing. I live near and work in Tampa and rent is $3000 a month for what I currently live in. Two years ago the same rental would be $1750. I want to sell and my home but it would just be a wash when looking for new housing options.
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Joel Osteen
by jhine ini am reading a lot on quora digest about this chap joel osteen.
i and other brits have said that he is hardly known in the uk .
it has been asserted that he is filling stadiums over here.
adjusted knowledge
My wife listens to him online but doesn’t give him money nor buy his crap. I don’t object but would if she wanted to send him money. He seems to be very popular with millions of people.
adjusted knowledge
My experience is same as road to nowhere. I attended college with one and she was part of the same cohort. I noticed she changed her sitting arrangement and association with the ones of us that were more vocal in profanity or sexual discussions. The nice thing was she wasn’t preachy or tried to change people. I’ve had similar experiences with others. But I figure they are a cult but maybe not had harmful as the JW.
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Administering a Blood Transfusion When Directed by a Superior- Jehovah's Witness Policy
by Ron.W. inadministering a blood transfusion when directed by a superior - jehovah's witness policy effective june 15th, 2018. while the hospital liasion committee elders were instructed that they may inform doctors and nurses of this decision, this letter was not allowed to be distributed to anyone outside of hlc members.. as a result of the concealment of this letter, and by virtue of the fact that this information was only to be shared verbally with jehovah's witness medical professionals and others, confusion erupted across the united states and in other branch offices of jehovah's witnesses.
countless letters were received at watchtower headquarters in new york from concerned jw nurses, paramedics, and others who were instructed verbally on this new policy, but which contradicted existing written policy that had been in effect for many decades.. in addition to letters from witness medical professionals, circuit overseers in the field wrote to the us branch and hospital information desk in new york about the problems caused by this unreleased policy.
for example, south carolina circuit overseer brandon roberts reported to headquarters that "the majority of the nurses in our circuit were not aware of this updated policy.
adjusted knowledge
I work with 2 nurses that are jw. When all three of us are on the same shift and floor I will administer their blood to their patients. But they will monitor and adjust the flow rate. Not sure what the difference is in their mind after I do the initial administration. They are still part of the treatment
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Remember when HITTING A WOMAN was just WRONG!
by pistolpete injust a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.
today people are are paying and cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.
what feminists, social warriors, and gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.
adjusted knowledge
"What about non-transgender men who have received organ transplants (such as a heart, liver, and kidneys) from genetic women (perhaps from their sister) and are thus now partly genetically women?"
What is non-transgender men?
you mean men?
Wow, you actually wrote this and are serious? A man who receives any transplant from a female doesn't make them "partly genetically women". In fact to even have that organ function in their body they have to take immunosuppressive drugs for life because the body views it as a foreign entity.
In fact even with transplants gender matters. A male has a 22% higher chance of rejecting a kidney transplant from a woman than receiving one from a man. Additionally men who received heart transplant from women had an increase 13% higher chance of rejection compared to receiving it from man. Lastly, the death rate was higher for men receiving kidney, heart, and liver transplant from women.
"Researcher Martin Zeier, MD, of the department of internal medicine at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and colleagues say that sex differences related to how the immune system responds to a transplant may explain the findings. Previous research has suggested that women mount a much stronger immune response to transplanted organs than men."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, October Issue 2002
A biological male and female are determined by genetics not if they have a "vulva, labia, and a vagina". It is determined by the actual genetic code within their cells, which impacts protein production, enzymes, hormones, etc.
I think delusional JW is a more fitting name.
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Remember when HITTING A WOMAN was just WRONG!
by pistolpete injust a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.
today people are are paying and cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.
what feminists, social warriors, and gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.
adjusted knowledge
How people want to identify is not important to me and I can respect it. If you want me to use certain pronouns to describe you I take no issue. How I personally view your biological sex is another matter. There is a difference and to suggest otherwise can have deadly outcomes.
I'm a cardiac RN and males and female present differently when it comes to diagnosing a possible infarction. Though men and women hearts are structurally the same, women likely have less troponin proteins then men. Troponin I proteins are released into the blood stream when the heart is damaged and we use that to determine infarction vs ischemia. (There are other tools also such as ct scan and ekg for st elevation.) Biologicals males and females have different specific lab value we check to determine this. In addition to other tests, a course of action is determined by the medical doctor. I can tell you from experience that it is a difference if that patient will be on an heparin infusion over night or whether the Cath lab will do a heart catherization that night.
In addition to working as a cardiac nurse I also work per diem as an addiction nurse. The focus is for our clients to attend group therapy and proceed with their personal therapy session. The company have two separate dorms on a 25 acre land. Females are in one dorm and males in another. There are no private rooms, it is double occupancy. The company allows men that identify as women to dorm with the females. There have been countless incidence where the transgender females are having sex with the females. Not to mention other issues that arise when you place a biological male with females that have had sexual trauma. All the wikipedia post doesn't counter real world experience. Additionally, for anyone that has completed college will tell you that wikipedia is not an accepted form of reference and would get you a nice F on your paper.
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Six Screens announcing passing of “MINIMUS”
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inhttps://youtu.be/ty_2l8zynvq.
adjusted knowledge
JW have not been a part of my life for a long time. I figured out this religion was kooky in my teenage year and glad it didn't impact my adult life. However some people that were bizarre in the religion are still nutty when they leave. That Shirley comes across as a nutty cat lady. -
No more Questions from MINIMUS
by was a new boy inminimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
adjusted knowledge
I've been lurking early 2000 before joining. I would pop in and out over the decades and maybe read actively for several months and then stop. Often time when I would return I would notice postings from several are silent and find out they had pass. I suspect a lot of the older ones who joined this some 20 years ago are pushing 70 plus. I hope they found some peace and enjoyment in life after leaving the watch tower.
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